Corporate Contributions to PFPA

Voluntary corporate contributions will be used to enhance PFPA’s efforts to promote, educate and advocate on behalf of everyone whose livelihood depends upon sustainable working forests. As the voice of the Forest Products Industry in Pennsylvania state and local government affairs, PFPA advocates for policies that are conducive to the forest products supply chain while working to educate policymakers and consumers about the environmental and economic benefits of wood and wood products.

Looking up into a forest of trees with golden leaves during the fall season
Members walking through a park near the Pennsylvania State Capital

Individual Contributions to TimberPAC

Individuals in Pennsylvania’s Forest Products Community are invited to contribute to TimberPAC to amplify our voice in Harrisburg while helping to elect legislators who support Pennsylvania’s working forests and the forest products supply chain.

TimberPAC is the official political action committee of the Pennsylvania Forest Products Association, which is registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State. State law prohibits political action committees from accepting cash or corporate contributions – personal checks only.

Contributions to TimberPAC are not tax deductible.

Close up view of stacks of hard wood lumber

Pennsylvania Hardwoods: Leading the Nation

Pennsylvania’s Forest Products Industry


Pennsylvanians Employed.


establishments across all 67 counties.

About Donations to TimberPAC

TimberPAC is registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State. State law prohibits TimberPAC from accepting cash or corporate contributions. Online donations or Personal checks only. Contributions to TimberPAC are not tax deductible. For more information about TimberPAC, contact PFPA at (717) 901-0420.